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F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager

Đánh giá  |  Kho hàng: Còn hàng

  • F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager

Bảo hành: Chưa có thông tin bảo hành

Giá bán: Liên hệ
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Liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn giải pháp và hỗ trợ giá tốt nhất.


  • Giao hàng tận nơi miễn phí
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Thời gian làm việc

Thông số kỹ thuật

Application Traffic Management

  • Intelligent load balancing · Application protocol support (HTTP/2, SSL/TLS, SIP, etc.)
  • Application health monitoring
  • Application connection state management
  • F5 OneConnect · Advanced routing (BGP, RIP, OSPF, ISIS, BFD)
  • SDN services (VXLAN, NVGRE)

Application Delivery Optimization

  • Symmetric adaptive compression
  • RAM cache and compression
  • TCP Express · HTTP/2 gateway

Secure Application Delivery

  • SSL connection and session mirroring
  • Hybrid crypto services (Hardware SSL offload for BIG-IP VE)
  • SSL/TLS encryption offload (hardware accelerated)
  • Algorithm agility (GCM, ECC, Camellia, DSA, RSA)
  • Suite B support including forward secrecy
  • Internal/Network/Cloud HSM (FIPS 140-2)
  • SSL visibility

Application Visibility and Monitoring

  • F5 Analytics
  • Performance dashboard
  • High-speed logging
  • sFlow

Programmable Infrastructure

  • iRules and iRules LX for data plane programmability
  • iCall for event-based control-plane scripting
  • iApps for app-level config management and deployment
  • iControl for Management API (SOAP, REST)


  • On-demand scaling
  • All-active application clustering
  • Operational scaling (multi-tenant and virtualization)

Đặc điểm nổi bật

Applications drive innovation and profitability, allowing your business to leverage trends such as cloud computing, mobility, and software-defined networking (SDN). Your IT department depends on your network infrastructure to meet the challenges of today—and tomorrow.

F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) helps you deliver your applications to your users in a reliable, secure, and optimized way. You get the extensibility and flexibility of application services with the programmability you need to manage your physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure. With BIG-IP LTM, you have the power to simplify, automate, and customize applications faster and more predictably.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager

Key Benefits

Deliver applications rapidly and reliably
Optimize for today’s web applications with HTTP/2 to ensure that your customers and users have access to the applications they need—whenever they need them.

Automate and customize with programmable infrastructure
Control your applications—from connection and traffic to configuration and management—with F5 iRules LX, the next stage of evolution for network programmability that brings Node.js language support to the BIG-IP platform.

Transition to SDN and cloud networks
Realize operational consistency and comply with business needs across physical, virtual, and cloud environments with deployment flexibility and scalability.

Easily deploy and manage applications
User-defined F5 iApps Templates make it easy to deploy, manage, and get complete visibility into your applications.

Secure your critical applications
Protect the apps that run your business with industry-leading SSL performance and visibility.


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    F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager

    Giá bán: Liên hệ
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    Liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn giải pháp và hỗ trợ giá tốt nhất.

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